Deluxe Romance

April 12, 2009

Why hello there, long time no see! I appologize for the long hiatus, I’ve been away traveling and indeed I’ll be doing more until May. So for a month, posting will be sporadic, but I think it’s a good thing. It keeps me from getting ‘blogger burnout’ and keeps you from getting tired of me! *giggles* I do hope you’ve been well. Since I’ve been away, there has been a handful of fantastic releases, my favorite from Surf Co. A few months back, Emma dropped me some of her prototype Surf Co. skins and it was love at first wear. Hand-drawn softness, a cute little nose, girlish, blushy cheeks and the gooshiest of lips, smeared and smudged with color…they are just lovely. Here I’m wearing the lightest of the 4, but I’m completely smitten with all of the shades. For those looking for a great hand-drawn dark tone, look no further, especially the one with the bruised berry lips….sooooo nahms. With it I’m wearing my favorite Yabu (fishing prize fun, or not if you choose) sandals, Oyakin’s uber-feminine/romantic lavender dress and scarf, booN’s ‘cinna-bun’ braided hair (it’s sooo fantastic) and Wild-O flowers. Very simple, very pretty, very soft. Just the type of mood I’m in at the moment. I will see you all soon, until then! <333Abra

details after the cut…

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